

hot take- people who have made a conscious decision to be horrible bigots should understand that they will be treated like people who chose to be horrible bigots

you’re a fascist and anti-fascists come for you, you have a choice. You
can give it up. You can renounce what you said. You could just go on
with the rest of your life and stop turning up at fascist rallies.
Anti-fascists probably aren’t gonna buy you a pint and be your best
friend but they’ll move on.

if you’re a person of color, if you’re trans, or a person with a
disability, or gay or Jewish, and fascist come for you – There is
nothing you can do that can make them happy, except to stop existing.
That’s the key difference between the far left and the far right.
Anti-fascists organize themselves against those that are building
fascism. If you’re doing that, that is something you can non-violently
stop doing. If you’re a political enemy of antifa, you can become a
friend.If you’re a political enemy of fascism though, either they lose or you die.
Oliver Thorn

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